Sustainable social development
With the help of partners like Public Universities and Non-Profit Organizations, REDDA + proposes solutions that bring more income to communities of the Brazilian Amazon region and that are more environmentally sustainable, promoting an improvement in the quality of life for those involved.
Forest preservation and restoration
REDDA + focuses on the conservation, preservation, and maintenance of forests through its initiatives. Activities such as the recovery of degraded areas, for example, contribute significantly to the increase in carbon stock in the forest and balance climate conditions in the region and world.

Reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere
The sustainable use of agricultural techniques and the maintenance of the ‘standing’ forest are some of the resources that help with the carbon stock. Reforestation and environmental education in the community also help reduce the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions.
Restoring fauna and flora
The restoration of fauna and flora occurs through reforestation initiatives and sustainable forest management. In addition, our projects invest in the recovery of degraded areas, contributing to bringing back biodiversity and mitigating the effects of animal habitat losses.

Restoring water bodies
Water restoration includes access to drinking water and sanitation, designed and integrated with nature, aiming to have the most negligible impact. Thus, communities receive water, and river basins remain protected.