

Amidst the urgency of an intense global transformation for environmental care and regeneration, REDDA+ was created as a new means for understanding the value of standing forests and strengthening nature-integrated communities that use forest resources sustainably.

Understand how much we are doing for our ecosystem:

– REDDA + data – coming soon

So we don't forget: Global Numbers

1,5 million

trees are cut down per day


The Legal Amazon region has an average loss of 1.5 million trees per day. More than a thousand trees are deforested per minute in the Legal Amazon region in 2021*

Source: According to the Plena Mata panel, a forest monitor that uses MapBiomas data, based on the average daily deforestation detected by DETER/INPE.

By 2018, 20% of the Amazon had already been deforested.

Size and context

This represents the territorial size of Italy, Hungary, and Germany together*

*Source: PRODES-INPE (Brazilian Amazon Forest Satellite Monitoring Project by the National Institute for Space Research)

2.5 trillion

tons of C02 in the atmosphere

CO2 Emission

Since 1850, human actions have been responsible for 2.5 trillion tons
of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere*

*Source: BBC Brasil

4th place

in the pollution ranking

Ranking of significant polluters:

Brazil is among the largest polluters in the world (4th place), considering deforestation and the release of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The survey shows Brazil has had 112.9 billion tons of CO2 emissions (GtCO2) since 1850. More than 85% of this volume would be related to deforestation. Among the 20 largest polluters, Brazil leads the category of deforestation and emissions associated with land use *

*Source: Think Tank International Carbon Brief

2,7º Celcius

of a predicted average temperature increase

Global warming

Current commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions put the planet on the path to an average temperature increase of 2.7 degrees Celsius in this century*

*Source: Report by the United Nations (UN)

784 animal

species extinct

Animal extinction

In the past 55 years, estimates consider that more than 784 animal species have already been extinct by human action. Currently, more than 26,500 are threatened with extinction *

Studies estimate that in 1 km² of the Amazon, there may be 45 thousand plants (trees or shrubs), 85 specimens of primates, and 90 species of birds. Considering that billions and billions of trees have already been cut down from the forest, how much of this fauna was impacted already?

*Source: IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)


Polluted rivers

Water pollution

One-third of the rivers on the planet are polluted. The worst cases are in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. More than 80% of the wastewater worldwide is thrown into the environment without treatment*

*Fonte: UN.

understand how much we are doing for our ecosystem:

Redda+ data // coming soon


REDD is the acronym for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. That refers to a mechanism compensating those who keep their forests standing without deforestation and thus avoid greenhouse gas emissions associated with deforestation and forest degradation.
After the creation of the REDD concept, preservation activities, sustainable forest management, and increased stocks in developing countries were also included in the definition. These components originated REDD+.
Carbon Credits
To minimize carbon emissions on the planet, a currency called a “carbon credit” was created. One credit offsets a ton of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. By purchasing credits, companies and countries can cancel the emissions they generate in the environment. The concept is recognized worldwide as an environmental protection initiative and was a means for preservation, achieving additional economic value, and developing ecosystem benefits for all humanity.
Carbon footprint
A carbon footprint is a measure that calculates the equivalent carbon emissions generated in the atmosphere by a person, activity, event, company, organization, or government. The calculation is based on greenhouse gases (GHGs), including carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4).
To be aware of the greenhouse gas emissions, they can be converted into equivalent carbon measures, equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2eq).
The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the supreme body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted in 1992. It is an association of all the Convention signatory countries, which began to meet annually from 1995 onwards to assess climate change on the planet and propose mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of the Convention.
Greenhouse gas effect
The greenhouse gas effect is a natural phenomenon essential for maintaining life on Earth. This effect has intensified due to the excessive emissions of gases in the atmosphere. The worsening of the greenhouse effect is caused by the emission of gases mainly caused by human action.
Regenerative Economy
A system that wishes to replace the linear logic of exploring raw materials, production, and consumption with circular reasoning concerned with the purpose and the process of searching for raw materials, production, consumption, reuse, recycling, and final disposal of the product.
Regulated Markets
With the Kyoto Protocol and climate change urgencies, some major countries responsible for global warming have created legal obligations for companies within their territories, including the emission limit and the possibility of purchasing carbon credits.
Voluntary Markets
On the other hand, the voluntary carbon market emerged separately from Voluntary Emission Reductions. Any company, person, NGO, or government can generate or buy voluntary carbon credits in this market. These credits are not subject to UN registration and therefore do not count as a reduction target for the countries that are part of the international agreement. Currently, the voluntary carbon market prices are higher than in the regulated market.



Address: Tv Rui Barbosa, 1049, Bairro Reduto, CEP: 66053-260, Cidade de Belém, Estado do Pará


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