Amazon Forest Protection projects in Brazil are important to local communities and the planet. Through them, we recover devastated natural areas and show communities that it is possible to live in harmony with the forest.
However, projects take time to prepare because they cover complex issues. It is necessary to take care to educate communities in the Amazon on some techniques for using natural resources. But it is important to stress that this process of teaching does not invalidate the traditional ones of the communities. On the contrary, it seeks balance in the wisdom of those who already live with nature.
This way, Redda+ articulates and develops reforestation projects that are less aggressive to communities, as well as nature. To find solutions that deal with this balance, it joins efforts with universities, researchers, and specialized organizations. It is a combination of forces to try to build a better and more sustainable reality for the Amazon. And, consequently, the entire planet benefits from the natural actions offered by the forest.
In this post, you will understand a little about the differences between the nomenclatures: reforestation, restoration, and forest management. In addition, we invite you to understand which actions are always present in our reforestation projects. Amazon Forest Protection Projects are designed and applied for the long term, as well as being developed to support sustainable autonomous communities.
In this post has:
- What are Amazon Forest Protection Projects?
- Difference between reforestation, restoration, and forest management
- Projects to follow in the Amazon
- Get to know Redda+
What are Amazon Forest Protection Projects?
Amazon Forest Protection Projects aim to recover native species or preserve the ecosystem. It is also an action that collaborates with the reduction of global warming and improving air quality. It is a way of recreating a green area that will help to minimize the impacts caused by greenhouse gases.
In addition, protection projects seek to reconnect nature to surrounding communities. These communities tend to depend on nature to gather food for their livelihood. Some people also use nature to develop their work activities. Therefore, it is important that nature is healthy and can be used with balance by these peoples.
This is another function of protection projects, helping traditional peoples and communities to use nature with care. Therefore, environmental education permeates issues such as economic, cultural, and social issues.

Difference between reforestation, restoration, and forest management
Forest restoration aims to restore a worn-out area. Therefore, the ecosystem is analyzed in its particularities to identify which stages deserve attention. As you can see, it takes time. Studies must consider the integrity of the ecosystem, for a gradual action of low negative impact. It is an action that understands the importance of balance even during the restoration process.
Reforestation is one of the processes present in forest restoration. Reforestation is about trying to reactivate a forest lost by natural (fires or storms) or human actions (burnings, etc). This area undergoes a treatment process to receive native or exotic trees. The term reforestation refers to the act of ‘replanting’, that is, it needs to be in an area where other vegetation already existed. Through reforestation, it is expected to reduce the negative impacts related to about 1.5 million trees being cut off per day.
Forest management seeks to preserve environmental heritage, it is the act of handling a green area of low negative impact. The use of natural resources with intelligence, sustainability, and articulating environmental needs is essential for the preservation of forests.
Therefore, the objective of forest management is to minimize damage to the logged forest and to maintain forest production. It is a way of optimizing the use of forests, respecting the necessary limits so as not to destroy them. To this end, sustainable zoning is carried out, and some responsibilities are imposed to ensure the continuation and preservation of the environment.
Projects to follow in the Amazon
At Redda+ there is a concern to develop Amazon Forest protection projects that integrate the development of traditional communities. The goal of these projects is to closely monitor the activities that take place in the rainforest, and how they impact the environment.
To this end, the projects are designed with a focus on four pillars: the environment, the economy, and social and cultural issues. These pillars are essential for the development of strong, sustainable, and autonomous communities. However, these are long-term projects, it’s not about ‘giving the man a fish, but teaching him how to fish’ and, with the right tools. That way, day-to-day shortages won’t scare the residents.
Redda+ projects are also created to collaborate with the effective compensation of carbon credits. The atmosphere already contains more than 2.5 trillion tons of CO₂, emitted since 1850 by human activities. Therefore, compensating carbon is our way of reaffirming our commitment to the environment and the planet we live on. Below you can see the actions that are present in all our projects, and are indirectly linked to the 17 SDGs:
01) Sustainable social development
Redda+ does not act alone. It invests in partnerships with Public Universities and Non-Profit Organizations to develop projects. It is a way of opening opportunities for the creation of practical and real solutions, with professionals who are always thinking about nature.
This way, we hope to deliver answers to help communities in the Brazilian Amazon to generate more income that must be positive for their sustainable social development. Promoting an improvement in the quality of life for all, showing that it is possible to live in harmony with nature. Even when you need to take away natural resources to support yourself.

02) Preservation and restoration of the forest
Redda+’s actions are linked to the preservation and restoration of the forest. To this end, we teach communities about the conservation, preservation, and maintenance of forests.
Environmental education is important to raise awareness of the consequences of one’s actions on the environment. We also encourage the recovery of degraded areas, improving the carbon stock in the forest. The activity is important for communities and also to help the natural climate in the region and the world.

03) Reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere
Another way to reinforce Amazon Forest protection projects is by encouraging the sustainable use of agricultural techniques, Redda+ shows how it is possible to use nature responsibly. In addition, it encourages the maintenance of the forest that is standing, to help with carbon stock. This culture is passed on to people in the community who are directly involved, to learn and pass on. The reduction of CO₂ emissions into the atmosphere is driven by reforestation and environmental education.

04) Restoration of fauna and flora
Reforestation and sustainable forest management help to restore fauna and flora. Therefore, our projects invest in the recovery of degraded areas. Because of that, we hope to rescue biodiversity.
It is also an action that aims to reduce the effects of loss of habitat on animals. This care is essential to show the community how important nature is and that some actions can help restore it. Degraded areas need to be looked after with hopeful eyes, it is possible to invest in restoration.

05) Restoration of the waters
Our projects also consider water restoration, including access to clean water and sanitation. Thus, communities have access to water and watersheds remain protected. It is yet another way of improving the conditions of nature and the community that is receiving the project. In this way, communities can monitor positive impacts, including on health and food. After all, they now have access to quality water to hydrate and prepare their meals.

Find out how Redda+ and you can help with Amazon Forest protection projects
Redda+ was founded in 2021 with the mission of implementing REDD+ initiatives in communities and traditional peoples in the Brazilian Amazon. For this, it develops projects that connect social, economic, environmental, and cultural needs. We are a 100% national company that saw the need to put into practice projects that make a difference in the life of Amazon. Bearing in mind that the life of the forest is not only in the environment but also in the people who surround it.
Through our projects, we encourage sustainable growth and development with actions that help insert oxygen into the atmosphere. The concern with compensating for excessive carbon emissions is always present in our conversations. And for that, we produce a more transparent carbon market, with sustainable initiatives.
One of our projects takes place in Portel, Pará and is supported by investors such as AFP (Amazon Forest People). In addition to partners such as IRAMA, UNAMA (University of the Amazon), UEPA (University of the State of Pará). As well as LabAgua (Environmental Laboratory), IFT (Tropical Forestry Institute) and IdeflorBio (Forest Development and Biodiversity Institute of the State of Pará – PA).
In addition to REDD mechanisms, we also seek to achieve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. At Redda+ our mission is to show communities that they can continue to live with their nature, with wisdom and sustainability. Click here and contact our team to learn more about Redda+ and our projects.
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